Chemical Peel in Great Falls, MT

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What Are Chemical Peels?

When you want to truly indulge your skin with a rejuvenating treatment, Montana Skin & Laser and Center for Weight Management is here to help with high-quality chemical peel treatments. Our practice offers professional facial treatments that are customized with a blend of different solutions (including glycolic, salicylic, trichloroacetic, and lactic acids) to leave your skin looking more radiant and refreshed. At our Great Falls, MT cosmetic office, nurse practitioner Sarah Pack offers chemical peel treatments that help to minimize skin irregularities, like wrinkles, scars, fine lines, dry patches, hyperpigmentation problems, and more. Chemical peels dissolve damaged, dead skin cells by applying an individualized peel on your skin, which causes the oldest layer to slough off. When your skin heals and starts to repair and rejuvenate itself, you should see a clearer, smoother complexion. A chemical peel treatment is a noninvasive technique to make your skin luminous and can be used for the face, neck, and décollatage.

What Can I Expect with A Chemical Peel?

To begin your chemical peel at Montana Skin & Laser and Center for Weight Management, we will have you lie down in a relaxed position on one of our comfortable treatment beds. A team member will make sure your skin is cleaned before applying the personalized solution to your face, neck, or both. We will massage the solution onto your face and let it work for a specific length of time, which will be discussed in your treatment consultation. Next, we will wash the solution off your face and put on a neutralizing agent. Patients should bring sunscreen or a hat to wear outside following the treatment to protect against UV exposure.

Patients visit our Great Falls, MT office with a variety of cosmetic goals, which is why we offer chemical peels in different strengths.

Light peels: Also known as "lunchtime peels," light chemical peel treatments offer convenience and remarkable results for patients with mild skin imperfections, like fine lines or acne. This strength of peel will remove the outer layer of your skin (the epidermis), giving your facial features a more radiant appearance and smoother texture. We typically recommend that you schedule a light chemical peel about once a month for the ideal glowing results.

Medium peels: This strength of chemical peel penetrates further into the skin, and you'll generally decide to have this strength of facial rejuvenation treatment over a long weekend. You may also need to ready yourself for increased discomfort during and around an hour following treatment. Medium-depth peels are for patients who have deeper damage to their skin, such as deeper wrinkles and darker pigmentation problems.

Deep peels: The strongest of the three types of peels is the deep chemical peel, which requires the longest recovery time. This is an aggressive cosmetic treatment that could leave your face swollen, itchy, and peeling for 2 – 3 weeks. Patients who get a deep chemical peel generally have age or dark spots, sun-damaged skin, prominent acne scars, and/or deep-seated scars. Since this strength of peel is usually uncomfortable for patients, your aesthetician will provide you with mild anesthesia prior to your treatment.

Depending on the level of the peel you have, you should expect the treated area to peel and itch for a few days to two or more weeks. It's important that you avoid scratching or picking at your skin during this time, as scarring is possible. Our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure you get the best results from your chemical peel.

Enhance Your Skin's Health and Appearance

With rejuvenating chemical peel treatments at Montana Skin & Laser and Center for Weight Management, you don't need to have a fussy home care routine to enjoy a youthful-looking, refreshed complexion. Sarah and our team offer a selection of effective treatments to leave you with skin that looks healthier and feels silky smooth. Call our office in Great Falls, MT to make an appointment for your skin consultation today for a professional chemical peel.


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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.