Eating Disorder Management in Great Falls, MT

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About Eating Disorders

An eating disorder is a condition that causes you to approach food in a way that negatively impacts your physical and mental wellness. While it's healthy and normal to pay attention to your diet, some individuals become so troubled by their weight that they begin to severely limit their food intake or develop other potentially dangerous habits. At Montana Skin & Laser and Center for Weight Management, nurse practitioner Sarah Pack and our team of committed weight management specialists strive to encourage healthy eating habits, offering nutritional counseling and referrals for professional help so our patients can live more comfortably. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder in Great Falls, MT, we encourage you to reach out to our office today.

What Can I Expect with Eating Disorder Treatment?

There are many types of eating disorders, all of which have their own causes and symptoms. They can affect both men and women and while they often tend to manifest at an early age, it is possible to develop an eating disorder at any stage of life. A few of the eating disorders we address at Montana Skin & Laser and Center for Weight Management are:

  • Anorexia: Also called anorexia nervosa, this condition is characterized by an extreme fear of weight gain, or in some cases, body dysmorphia.
  • Bulimia: Patients with bulimia experience cycles of binging (overeating), followed by purging.
  • Binge eating disorder: Individuals living with binge eating disorder will frequently overeat and then feel ashamed or powerless over their eating habits.
  • Orthorexia: Considered by many eating disorder specialists to be a form of anorexia, orthorexia refers to an unhealthy obsession with nutrition with patients becoming so fixated on "healthy" eating that they experience stress and physical problems.

Because eating disorders can stem from a range of emotional issues and life events, our Great Falls, MT providers work closely with patients to help with their specific problems. Treatment may include nutritional guidance, as well as mental health counseling to address underlying thought patterns or behaviors that may be driving the disorder.

Hope and Healing for Eating Disorders

While eating disorders may sometimes start from a desire to be healthier, the physical and emotional impact of disordered eating can do significant harm. If you feel hopeless or like you have no control over your eating habits, know there is help for you. The providers at Montana Skin & Laser and Center for Weight Management are proud to work with patients living with eating disorders in Great Falls, MT. Contact our office to schedule your first consultation with Sarah and the rest of our compassionate team.

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